Parts of a flower
- Stamen: The inner part of a flower. It consists of a filament with a swollen top called anther. The anther consists of tiny granules called pollens.
- Pistil: The innermost part of a flower. It has three parts - stigma, style and ovary.
- Stigma: The uppermost part with an opening.
- Style: The tube that connects the stigma and the ovary.
- Ovary: The lowermost swollen base. It contains small bead-like structures called ovules.
- The root system and
- The shoot system
- Herbs
- Shrubs and
- Trees
- Creepers- plants with soft and weak stem that cannot stand erect and runs on the ground are called creepers. E.g. pumpkin, watermelon etc.
- Climbers- plants with weak stem that cannot stand erect and takes the support of nearby objects and climbs on them are called climbers. E.g. money plant, grapevine etc.
- Herbs
- Shrubs
- Trees
- Pistil: This is the innermost part of a flower.
- Parts of a Pistil:
- Stigma: The uppermost part with an opening.
- Style: The long tubular structure that connects the stigma and the ovary.
- Ovary: The lowermost part that is swollen base.
- Structure of an ovary
- Ovary is the lowermost swollen part of the pistil.
- There are small bead-like structures inside the ovary. These are called the ovules.
Root system
The part of the plant that grows / remains under the soil in most of the plants is called the root. The root system contains primary roots and secondary roots / root hairs.Shoot system
The part of the plant that grows erect above the ground in most of the plants is called the shoot. The shoot system has stem, leaves, flowers and fruitsWatch the video on parts of a plant:
Kinds of plants
Plants are mainly classified into three categories:Herbs
Plants like tomato, coriander and mint (pudina) with green and tender stem are called herbs. They are much smaller in size.Shrubs
Plants with thin and hard woody stem that grow number of branches from the base of the stem are called shrubs. E.g. Tulasi, rose, hibiscus etc.Trees
Plants that grow very tall and have thick and woody stem are called trees. The hard woody stem is called the trunk which grows number of branches in the upper part. E.g. mango tree, banyan tree etc.There are two more categories of plants. These are:
Parts of plant
A plant mainly has a root, stem, leaves, flowers and fruits.Roots
The part of the plant that grows under the ground in most of the plants is called the root. It helps in fixing the plant firmly into the soil and thus helps it to stand erect (upright) above the soil.Roots absorb water and minerals (dissolved in water) from the soil which are used for preparing food. They also store the extra food in them which is used by the plant when required.
The part of the plant that remains erect (upright) above the soil is called the stem. It supports all the other parts of the plant.It helps in conducting (carrying) water and dissolved minerals from the roots to leaves where the food is prepared. Stems also conduct the prepared food (simple sugars) from the leaves to other parts of the plant.
In some plants like potato the stem performs additional function like storing food.
These are the most important part of the plant. Most of the leaves are green in color due to the presence of the green coloring pigment called chlorophyll which is capable of capturing light energy from the sun and convert it into chemical energy in the form of food.In most of the plants, food (carbohydrate) is prepared in the leaves through a process called photosynthesis.
Flower is the most colorful and attractive part of the plant. It is the reproductive part of the plant. The male reproductive part of the flower is the pollen grain (pollen) and the female reproductive part is the ovary which contains ovules.After pollination and fertilization of the ovary develops into a fruit while the ovules develop into seeds. These seeds grow into new plants under favorable conditions.