Sravana Masam Festival Dates 2024
Sravana Masam: From 5th August 2024 (Monday) to 2nd Sept 2024 (Mon)6th Aug 2024 - 1st Sravana Mangalavaram (Tuesday)
9th Aug 2024 - 1st Sravana Sukravaram (Friday) / Garuda Panchami
16th Aug 2024 - Varalakshmi Vratam
19th Aug 2024 (Mon) - Sravana Pournami / Raksha Bandhan / Janjhala Pournami
26th Aug 2024 (Mon) - Sri Krishna Janmashtami
Varalakshmi Decoration |
It is also the most enjoyable month particularly by Hindu women as the month is full of festivals and festive celebrations. And rains too enhance the beauty of Mother Nature during this month. It coincides with the Gregorian month of August.
Sravana masam is the most awaited month for Hindus. The month is highly auspicious for performing social functions like marriages, gruhapravesam (house-warming ceremony), upanayanam (thread ceremony) and other such functions.
The month derived it's name from Sravana Nakshatram - the birth star of Lord Vishnu. Hence the month is highly auspicious and very dear to Goddess Lakshmi Devi (wife of Lord Vishnu). Hindu women specially worship Lakshmi on Fridays and Tuesdays of the month for a happy and prosperous life.
Sravana Sukravaralu (Fridays) and Sravana Mangalavaralu (Tuesdays) are highly auspicious for the Telugu people.
The second Friday of the month i.e the Friday before full moon day of the month is the most important one and women perform Varalakshmi Vratam on this day by decorating the goddess in a special way.
Besides Fridays the four Tuesdays of the month are equally important for newly married women. They perform Sravana Mangala Gowri Nomu and specially worship Mangala Gowri Devi on 4 Tuesdays for a prosperous / blissful married life and for a healthy / long life of husband. This vratam is performed particularly by the Brahmin community.
The full moon day of the month is very auspicious and important. This day is known as Sraavana Pournami. Raksha Bandhan - a festival that strengthens the brother-sister relationship - is celebrated on this day mostly in North India. In South India, this day is celebrated as Janjaala Pournami. The men of a particular community who wear the sacred thread (janjam) perform upakarma and wear new sacred thread on this day.
Janmaastami - the birth day of Lord Krishna - is yet another important festival which is celebrated in the month of Sraavan. The entire month is full of festivity and the Hindus remain themselves busy celebrating the festivals one after the other. The month of Sawan is very dear to the people in North as it is monsoon time and people enjoy the rains which enhance the beauty of nature.