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Stress Reducing Techniques In School Children

The word 'stress' is has become common with school children. If they are late to school, they get tensed. If they don't do their home work or project work, they get worried. If they have a class test or revision test the next day, they feel stressed. And it peaks during unit tests, annual exams or during board exams.

When children are under continuous stress, it reflects on their health and they start getting various health problems. Poor health makes their life more stressful. When students are under continuous stress, they might end up with frustration and dejection in life. Hence, it is advisable to nip in the bud. Recognize your stress levels and follow simple natural techniques to reduce the stress levels.

Do's and Don'ts for reducing stress

  • Eat healthy, nutritious and balanced diet. This is very effective for an overall healthy body.
  • Eat simple and easily digestible food.
  • Include fresh fruits and green veggies in your diet.
  • To keep fit, do physical exercise regularly. Either a brisk walk or jogging / cycling / skipping etc.
  • After school hours, involve in extra curricular activities like sports / games, music band, dance, art and craft etc.
  • Do yogaasanas if your are trained under a yoga expert. A simple 'shavaasana' - sleeping posture helps in relaxing body parts and thus helps in reducing the stress levels to a great extent.
  • Practice meditation at least for 15 minutes a day and at least for 5 days a week. Meditation is very effective in relaxing the mind and thus helps in reducing stress.
  • Pranayama i.e rhythmic breathing exercise which helps in the expansion of the lungs and helps in the free flow of oxygen.
  • Give enough rest to the mind and body. Yes, have good / enough sleep in the night. A sound sleep helps in reducing stress levels.
  • Think positive. A positive attitude helps in the flow of positive energy in the body and thus helps in reducing stress levels.
  • Socialize. Keep meeting your friends and relatives and share your feelings with them.
  • Involve and engage yourself in your favorite activities or hobbies. You can even go out for a window shopping in the nearby malls or go out to a nearby park / garden to enjoy the nature which will give relaxation to the mind.
  • Listen to your favorite music and if you wish dance to the steps and just enjoy life.
  • Do not eat too much of fast / junk food.
  • Do not frequently drink soft beverages (cool drinks) and coffee.
  • Do not simply relax or idle out your time after school hours. It makes you lethargic / lazy.
  • Do not crave for things which are out of your reach instead be contented with what you have.
  • Try to finish your day's work instead of piling up the work.
  • Anger and stress are co-related, so try to manage your anger.
  • In case of high stress levels, attending spiritual discourses would be very effectively as the speeches by eminent persons would be really soothing to the mind.
  • Live in the present and do not worry about the future but leave it to the Almighty.

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